Landmark Security

Residential Patrols

We believe in an integrated cost effective plan to enhance the well being and living environment for our clients that we serve.
These services encompass a multifaceted approach focused not only upon crime prevention but serve to help provide an overall sense wellbeing for a community. Our services include varying levels of protection that serve to:

  • Reduce/eliminate theft/ burglaries and assaults of all types
  • Safeguard properties during a resident’s absence
  • Help enforce curfew laws, reduce loitering and mischief
  • Enforce rules and regulations for use of common areas
  • Reduce/eliminate solicitation
  • Provide near instantaneous response while on-site

High visibility coupled with training, professional appearance and demeanor are the cornerstones of an effective security program. Our Officers wear distinctive black and grey police style uniforms. These uniforms are complete with badge and credentials that clearly identify them as North Carolina Private Protective Services Board Registered Security Enforcement Officers. We also have our own PPSB certified training program. This way we can insure that our officers have received the proper training and have an in depth understanding of what is expected of them in the field.

We offer two tiers of patrol vehicle service. Option one includes a police style marked four door sedan. This vehicle is complete with striping, door badge and conspicuous light bar. This vehicle allows for the maximum of visible deterrent; particularly after dark as it can be seen and recognized as an enforcement type vehicle, even from great distances. Option two has our officers utilize their own private vehicle. The officers’ vehicle is supplied with highly visible, distinctively styled door placards and roof mounted magnetic patrol light. Green security vehicle lighting, by law, is not permitted for non-emergency highway use. However, in the event of an incident that would involve ambulance, police, or fire response these lights can be used as beacons to facilitate rapid arrival. Also on light bar equipped vehicles; side, rear and front spot lighting can be utilized for an enhanced deterrent effect.

Landmark Security provides Zone Check service in which a form is completed at the homeowners’ request. Included in this form are directives such as who is allowed at the home while the resident is away, perhaps on vacation. Whether or not the mail service would be suspended and if not, what arraignments are in place to store mail/packages. Zone Check forms can also include measures to be taken to ensure that the home appears occupied. I.E control buildup of newspapers, take the trash receptacle in/out and to be certain that the Officer provides additional patrols while the homeowner is absent. This combined approach makes it considerably less likely that a home will be targeted during the residents’ absence.

Solicitation is often an issue of great concern for communities. Many times solicitation is nothing more that a mask utilized to case a home for burglary, assault or worse. Solicitors that are hired by legitimate companies are often low paid and poorly screened. This again provides an avenue for the criminal element to gain information and access for criminal intent. If given written authority by a HOA, Landmark Security Officers can enforce a posted “No Solicitation” policy. This is accomplished be the officer approaching those in violation of the policy and verbally informing them of the policy. The common retort for this is typically something to the effect “these are public streets and I have every right to be here”. The flaw in this belief is that areas other than pubic streets or sidewalks ARE NOT public property. If a solicitor trespasses onto private property, I.E. driveways, yards, walkways the authorities are notified and this person may be arrested and can be charged with criminal trespass; private property includes the homeowners’ vehicle while on a public street. Landmark Security, Inc has an excellent track record for control of solicitation. Officers are also permitted to request identification from any suspicious persons within the patrol area. Security Officers cannot require that anyone produce identification. However, this alerts the Officer that this individual most likely does not reside in the neighborhood and may also have wrongful intent in mind. When anyone refuses to produce identification the authorities are then notified, and again, the individual may be charged with criminal trespass.

Accessibility, accountability and communication are also key elements in an effective security program. Included in any patrol program are Daily Activity Reports. These are detailed written accounts of the patrol activity. They include such things as detailed descriptions of suspicious persons and vehicles to including tag numbers when available. Also included are the specific activities being performed by the Officer. Such things as checks for pry marks on locks, doors, windows, broken glass, damages to fences/barricades, checks for leaks, fire, inoperable lighting and equipment, property damages or vandalism are included in these reports. Included are the exact times the patrol activities were conducted. This helps to account for an Officers activity and whereabouts while on patrol. It also provides a record for the client. Some of our clients scan these reports and will post them onto the HOA web page. This permits the entire community can get a concrete grasp of activities in their neighborhood. Dedicated cell phones can also be offered as part of the patrol project. This number would be provided for all residents within the patrol area. This would allow for instantaneous response while the Officer is on duty. Also when an Officer is not available, detailed messages could be left for the Officer. Messages can included such things as Zone Check information, suspicious activity, or requests for special coverage. Also available is our Guard-Trac system. This is a series of small electronic buttons placed at strategic points along the patrol area. An Officer utilizes a small hand held device that records the information stored in an electronic button. This occurs when the hand held device is touched to an electronic button. The handheld device records the exact time at which contact was made with the device. The device can them be downloaded and a report generated accounting for the exact times, dates and locations patrolled. It is as close to absolute tracking of patrols as is currently available.

All of our Officers must meet stringent requirements for clear criminal background. These include fingerprint checks of nationwide databases. Additionally, our Officers must complete training designed to insure that our Officers operate lawfully, safely and effectively in the field. Officers assigned to retail locations receive additional training in areas specific to that environment.

Landmark will have our field assessment and management team meet on site and conduct an in depth survey to assess the client’s unique protective service needs. These surveys are conducted free of charge to the client. Feel free to contact a representative any time to discuss any protective service concerns.